‪40 YEARS AGO...‬ ‪My Mum (and Dad) launched a Holiday Playscheme for deprived kids and those of working parents to play, create and be together

With others in their community, they ran it for about 20 years. There’s a photo of them below at a garden party at Buckingham Palace as recognition of work my dad did on SureStart, not the biggest fan of royalty, he only went cos she wanted to go.

For the next 30 odd years mum ran the Church book stall before books were a twinkle in Jeff Bezos’ eye. She helped kids make rockets at the STEAM Co. Day we ran at my old school there in Ludlow.

‪YESTERDAY I launched a #CommunityLockIn and #RocketKidsClub‬ as an artistic response to Covid19 and need to raise money to make it happen for free for kids of key workers and on free school dinners. All our kids even.

TODAY she’s too ill for me to see on #MotheringSunday

I stand on her shoulders.

She’s my giant


P.S: Below is a film I made with her when I was last trying to raise funding. I failed as you can see here.

I’m not afraid of failing and she’s not bothered either, as long as I tried my best, to be my best..

To aim as high as I can and to help others to too.

