When: 4pm Sun 4th July

Where: Castle Square, Ludlow

What: A session of talks and tricks, live and live streamed in about life on four wheels - skateboards and roller skates. A chat led by Nick Corston Co-founder of STEAM Co. and patron of Ludlow Fringe 21 and a number of special guests.

Tickets: Free (Free online)

Facebook: Like it here on Facebook and be part of the banter

Refreshments will be served and there will be an interval.


The event will include the following speakers Live in the venue (L), Live on a video call (V) or pre-filmed (F).

  • Nick Corston - STEAM Co. and Ludlow Fringe 21 Patron (L)

  • TBC - watch this space for an exciting addition to our line up

  • TBC - watch this space for an exciting addition to our line up

For more information about each speaker see below

Event overview

Skating has connected a few times in the life of Ludlow Fringe patron, Nick Corston.

His parents met after a collision on a roller skating rink in Suffolk and he himself appeared on the front page of the local Advertiser calling for a skatepark in the town after he had been bitten by the bug and made his first skateboard from a roller skates to cut in half.

He say he still has two life ambition to be able to roller disco and play roller hockey, two things he's dabbled with on various trips to in LA over the years.

This session of talks will include a range of skateboarders and roller skaters from across the town and across the country.


Nick co-founded the non-profit community enterprise STEAM Co. to help connect our kids with their art and our communities with their schools.

This evening of talks, films and other artistic contributions will appeal to all creative carers - people and organisations who care about children, creativity and all our futures.

To that end Nick will launch a £2m fund to put 22 STEAM Co. Drop Trucks and STEAMsters on the road across the UK for their #Festival22 of Creativity.

It will be live and live streamed globally and we really want you to bring your stories as well as share them on social media in advance with the the tag #ARTofDADS #LudlowFringe21.


STEAM Co. are delighted that our co-founder Nick Corston has been asked to be #Patron21 for the world renown Ludlow Fringe Festival and be co-curating a programme of live and live streamed #ARTCONNECTS21 events to celebrate, showcase and remind us how our art connects us, whatever it is.

We want everyone to be a part of these events, to bring and share their stories.

Click the image below to see the section from the Ludlow Fringe Programme about this #ArtConnects21 programme